Jesus wants us to live with Him in a real and vibrant relationship. That’s what being a Christ-follower means. Yet so often we settle for merely going to church, attending small groups, tithing and being faithful in our service. All these are well and good and are necessary expressions of our faith, but do we really know Him? Jesus wants us to live our lives with Him so that we not only serve Him, but we truly know Him in person, as our Master, Creator and King. But how do we do that with an invisible God? How do we make time to thrive with Jesus in our rush-rush world? This book attempts to help us, Lord willing, to experience the LIFE we all so deeply long for—Life with Jesus.
“Insightful & honest … this book caused me to reflect on my own failings in living in a person-to-person relationship with Jesus. It stirred my heart to seek a greater love for the Lord and a greater delight to walk with Him. Reading it will bring tears … but also the exhilaration of intimacy with the One who loves you.”
~ Bishop Rennis Ponniah,
Retired 9th Bishop of Singapore (The Anglican Church)
Hon Director, Executive Secretariat of the
Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA)