Life is pretty crazy, isn’t it?
• Life often throws us curve balls.
• The world we live in is unpredictable.
• God often leads in mysterious ways.
• The things God calls us to sometimes do not make sense.
Adding on to the craziness of life, we are confronted with the fact that things work differently in the Kingdom of God.
We don’t get very far into the Gospels before we realise that God’s kingdom is a topsy-turvy realm of the unthinkable:
• It is more blessed to give than to receive.
• The honest and the humble are honoured
• You have to die to self, in order to truly live.
But… does it actually work?
• Is seeking first the kingdom of God actually doable in business?
• Can one even hope to survive — let alone thrive — while sticking steadfastly to the principles of integrity and incorruptibility?
• Can one do business and be compassionate at the same time?
• Can an entrepreneur embrace God’s counter-intuitive guidance — and still
These are tough questions. This is where our faith collides with reality. And that’s why this book is titled It’s C.R.A.Z.Y!
Whether you are leading in the marketplace or in the church, there is a need for entrepreneurial leadership. Join Edward Ong and his mentor Edmund Chan and be inspired as they recount the journey, relive all the craziness of the entrepreneurial adventure, and revisit the principles and paradigms that make for a truly unconventional life.
“Inspiring journey. Brilliant principles. This is what can happen when God anoints you for business!”
- Dr. Ed Silvoso, Author, Anointed For Business, and Founder, Transform Our
“An indispensable book for any believer in search of a higher spiritual stage for his life. It's truly a CRAZY and exciting ride!”
- Elias Dantas, PhD, International Facilitator, Global Kingdom Partners Network (GKPN)
“One powerful, principled book… the rare opportunity to learn firsthand from two Christ-centered visionary experts.”
- Dr. James O. Davis, Founder/President, Global Church Network
“A riveting story of… a faith journey fleshed out in the life and work of an entrepreneur. Read, enjoy and be challenged!”
- Dr. R. Paul Stevens, Professor Emeritus, Marketplace Theology, Regent College
“A transparent and vulnerable journey of triumph and tragedy.”
- LoriAnn V. Lowery-Biggers, CEO, BellaVaughan, Inc.
“Edward Ong undertook some huge projects that would be daunting to most
entrepreneurs. He has managed to maintain an enduring perseverance over an extended number of years that has finally seen his visions realised.”
- Rt. Hon. The Lord Edmiston, Chairman of the Board, IM Group of Companies, UK
Authors biodata:
Edward Ong is a builder with a bold vision for transformational projects. In the 1990s,he embarked on the development of Sutera Harbour Resort in Sabah, Malaysia, when the state was not yet a tourist destination. The iconic resort became the largest employer after the state government, and was instrumental in making tourism a key economic pillar in Sabah. When the Asian Financial Crisis hit, it put the entire project in peril and left him drowning in debt. But God delivered him! Edward is now building a world-class township in Dili, Timor-Leste. In 2023, he was awarded the Collar of the Order of Timor-Leste in recognition of his significant contributions to the young nation. He is married to Enung, and together they have a blended family of children and grandchildren.
Rev Edmund Chan is an expository preacher and a mentor at heart. His insightful biblical teachings have made him a sought-after speaker internationally. He mentors top-echelon leaders around the world, and has written several books on spirituality, discipleship and leadership.
After serving as senior pastor of the Covenant Evangelical Free Church in
Singapore for 25 years, Edmund transited in leadership as the Founder and
Leadership Mentor of the Global Alliance of Intentional Disciple Making Churches (Global Alliance IDMC). He is married to Ann, who actively ministers alongside him around the world. They have two lovely daughters, Amanda and Belicia.