MP3 Audio Recording of IDMC 2019 -- Audio Flashdrive
What is the greatest crisis of discipleship in the life of the Church today? Is it the crisis of spiritual consumerism, carnality, prayerlessness, leadership or all of the above?
Rev Edmund Chan suggests that the greatest crisis is that we cannot see the crisis! We cannot define the very terms of discipleship Jesus has given us: "If any man come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.' (Luke 9:23).
We have to radically recapture discipleship into the life of the Church today. We have to rethink discipleship. To do so, we have to rethink the myths about discipleship: “Discipleship is important, but it doesn’t work.” “It works for other churches, but it doesn’t work for my church.” “We are too busy; discipleship is not the thing for us.” “Discipleship is too demanding.”
If you are trying to understand why it doesn't work, learn the fundamental principles by which the lordship of Jesus and the dynamic Kingdom life of discipleship can be realised in your life and in your church. There's a truth, a fundamental call, a spiritual dynamic that will change your life and your church!