True discipleship challenges us to radically redefine success in ministry — not by "how many", but rather by "what kind" of disciples we have made — for the mandate (our walk with God) must precede the mission (our work for God). In this insightful book, Edmund Chan sounds the clarion call to return the Church to her disciple-making roots — of reproducing disciples of "a certain kind"!
"Edmund Chan is a passionate communicator and visionary leader who winsomely models what he proclaims. His impact on my own life has been so enriching."
— Ravi Zacharias, author and speaker"Edmund Chan is a seasoned disciplemaking pastor whose efforts have been multiplied throughout the world."
— Dr. Bill Hull, author of The Complete Book of Discipleship, and other volumes"Edmund Chan is one of the most prominent figures around the world that God is using to provide leadership for a renewed emphasis on disciplemaking,"
— Dr. Michael J. Wilkins, author of Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship; Dean of Faculty, Talbot School of Theology
About the author:
Edmund Chan is one of the most sought-after expository preachers in Asia, with the exceptional gift of making complex things simple. In 2003, Edmund read for his Master's degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in less than nine months and graduated summa cum laude. As Leadership Mentor, he mentors top-level leaders within Singapore and beyond, including CEOs, bishops, senior pastors, theological educators and directors of para-church organisations.